Falcon UAV: unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) falcon-uav.com Aurora.

Chris Miser’s Air Force background led right to his

founding Falcon UAV within 2007. “I designed and also developed unmanned

aircraft for that military,” he says regarding his service. “I know

how these is planning to be employed in a tactical sense.”

While Miser left the Air Force throughout 2007, he requested himself,

“What’s the actual next big market7” His answer: “The civic


That follows that Falcon UAV markets its unmanned aerial vehicles, or

UAVs, in order to law-enforcement agencies, farmers, surveyors and other civilian

customers. compared into a survey crew’s “crude” glimpse, a

UAV can give planners, farmers, oil-and-gas crews, and conservation

organizations the “entire picture,” says Miser.

For You To date he has sold almost twenty methods for you to customers in which consist of the

Mesa County sheriff’s office. His differentiator in the big

aerospace companies additionally generating UAVs7 Price. “They had all the

military contractors make an effort to sell all of them $100,000-plus systems.” A

Falcon UAV system along with a couple of UAVs plus a ground control station costs about

half of that.

“Every law-enforcement agency would have a helicopter and also a

plane if they could afford it,” adds Miser, citing

search-and-rescue as well as firefighting as crucial uses.

but Miser, that functions with a little crew along with builds many Falcon UAVs

himself, says “The huge factor will be surviving until the market

hits.” He expects the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in order to come

up together with UAV rules simply by 2020.

“By in which point, the sector may have solved itself,”

says Miser. “It’s such as the Internet. Your sector made



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